Streamlining Onboarding

Streamlining Onboarding

The Challenge:

Ecommerce aggregators are pivotal in bridging D2C brands with customers, but onboarding these brands often involves cumbersome, time-intensive processes. A key challenge for a leading aggregator was the lengthy period required for integrating each platform, which was compounded by:

Prolonged onboarding times:

Each integration took days, slowing down their scaling capabilities.

High maintenance costs:

Custom coding for each platform necessitated ongoing updates and maintenance, inflating operational costs.

Limited agility:

Adapting to new platforms was a complex and slow process.

The Solution:

Solution Seller onboarding

Pludous emerged as a transformative solution, offering a low-code platform that simplified managing integrations outside of the aggregator's core system. Featuring pre-built connectors for various eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento, Pludous enabled the aggregator to:

Expedite onboarding:

Integration times were drastically reduced from days to just hours.

Minimize maintenance costs:

With Pludous managing updates, internal resources were significantly freed up. Enhance flexibility: The addition of new platforms became straightforward thanks to ready-to-use connectors.

Improved Architecture:

The legacy system involved custom coding integrated directly into the core platform, leading to sluggish and rigid operations. Pludous introduced a more flexible, decoupled architecture, allowing integrations to be managed externally. This shift led to:

Quicker development cycles:

Independent development and testing of integrations hastened the onboarding process.

Greater scalability:

The adaptable architecture facilitated easier expansion as more brands and platforms were added. Strengthened security: External integrations enhanced the overall security posture, minimizing risks.

Benefits of External Integration Management:

Accelerated Onboarding:

Pludous' low-code approach and pre-built connectors dramatically cut down integration times, enabling quicker brand onboarding and market responsiveness.

Cost Efficiency:

The shift from custom coding to Pludous' managed low-code platform resulted in significant savings in development, maintenance, and infrastructure.


The flexible architecture allowed for seamless scaling, accommodating new brands and platforms without compromising performance.

Increased Market Agility:

The low-code platform and ready connectors provided the agility needed to swiftly adapt to market changes and integrate new functionalities.

Robust Security:

External integration management added an extra layer of security, diminishing the likelihood of system vulnerabilities. Increased Outsourcing Capability:

With Pludous' low-code platform and intuitive self-service features, the aggregator could tap into a broader pool of integrators, including those without specific platform expertise.